
måndag 24 maj 2010

A green garden and a white gift

I will only talk about the white gifts, it's a swap I'm joining. This time the theme is something creative, maybe you make something and give away or you buying craft supplies. I would be happy to recieve both of those alternatives. You already know that I like to make my own crafty things. I was a bit forward this time and bought something on internet. I'll hope my secret friend will be happy for my gift..... :)

I'm so busy with my work and my garden right now. Today I quit the job an hour earlier and went home to sow. It is a little adventure discovering a new garden. I still have trees that I do not know what it is. I told you before that people walks by and see almost the whole garden, wich I'm not so amused of. But if we put up a big fence we will lost the little spot of nature and water in our garden; the dich. A place where the children likes to play.
It sure is a nice little woodland, isn't it? The rubarb is taking over the veggie garden. Soon I will have a jungle instead. Have a sunny week my friends.

1 kommentar:

  1. Vad härligt med ett lite dike på tomten, speciellt på våren då det är så härligt att höra hur vattnet porlar. När jag var barn älskade jag att kreta barkbåtar och segla iväg med dem i dikena. Mina rabarber är stora som hus, funderar på att i betong gjuta ett vattenbad av ett blad.

    Ditt woodland är mycket vackert.

    Ha en jättemysig fredag och en underbar helg!
