
måndag 3 september 2012

Someone special. Monthly theme post

It's time for beautiful Victorian Kitty's monthly theme post. This time the theme is to write about someone special. At first I was thinking about writing about my beloved Johan, I could write a long novel about how amazing he is but then lot's of participants are writing about their other halves I thought I should write about another amazing person in my family.

I will just show you little glimpses of him, since he's just a little boy. Tuli is his fairytale name. I think he looks like those cute children in old fairytale books; A little round face with blond-white curls. I sometimes use to say that he actually is an elf from the forest because he like to taste on everything that grows and as a toddler he munched rowanberries and kissed the worms. His birthname is Alfons.

When he was born and I for the first time, could hold him in my arms the first thing I said was, " Oh, it's you!" Like I had know him for a long time, and that is how it feels. Maybe it's because we are of the same kind.
On the picture below he's painting Oskars wall, it's Arn a medeival knight. It will be over painted with something else or covered with wallpaper so there's no damage.
He is a very creative person and is a pleasant company in my studio were we can sit and chat and do our own work. He is never interfering or claiming my attention for help with everything. He amuses himself were ever he is. Sometimes he can be a little too creative and do things he shouldn't. Like when he found dried chili's in the garage and crumbled them over the soil in the garden, because he wanted to grow chilis for his mum. After he had rubbed himself in the eyes we had to go to the hospital to wash the eyes.

He's very clever, it's not easy to fool him like the other children. And he has a very wonderful morbid sense of humour.

He loves to swim and behaves like a dolphin in water.
My children are my bliss and they are the one's who keeps me alive. To those who say they don't like children; remember that children are humans, only a little smaller. And if you treat a child with respect than you deserve theirs.

18 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, your kid looks like a very special little person. I work with children every day and you are totally right, they are just little people with their own interests and motivations. Of course that means that you can find the most wonderful child (as yours) or the most evil one :P

    1. Oh yes, kids can be very cruel! I have several proofs for that :P.

  2. Åh vilket fint & kärleksfullt inlägg..!

    KRAM, Jenny

    1. Tack :) Han är en alldeles underbar liten människa och det säger jag inte för att jag är hans mamma. Det är många andra som säger det också :)

  3. Underbart inlägg....jag är faktiskt lite tårögd ;)

  4. I love this post! Brought tears to my eyes, thinking of my own children ...

  5. I'm surprised, you are the only person (so far) to feature your child. He's a lucky little guy, as I know you are lucky to have him!! He's an adorable little human. ;)

  6. He sounds great, and very considerate :)

  7. AWWWW! Sweetie Mommy and darling little faery Boy! (((HUGS))) to all of you!

  8. Kul grej ändå att han fick måla på väggen själv :D det måste han ha gillat!

    Och Alfons har jag faktiskt aldrig träffat någon som heter, älskar när folk ger sina barn ovanliga namn! ^^

    1. Jag ska fixa en väggsnutt åt honom där han kan måla som han vill. Han är ju så himla pysslig den killen :)

  9. Kids are such a blessing, not only as a source of joy, but as a gateway back into childhood. They give you a way of looking at things in a way you had completely forgotten, make you feel like everything's new once more. I don't have kids myself, but my niece proved to me that children are much, much more than just a promise of the future: they are a memory of our past, an escape from the world of adult misery, an eternal fountain of smiles.

    Your son sounds like an amazing person, and the obvious love you feel for him sorta makes me want to think about... spending more time with my niece (i'm not the motherly sort, though i love kids :D)

    1. So beautiful written! Yes they remember oneself of things that I had forgotten, both bad and good things :)
      He he I don't consider myself as a motheryly kind either, I can be very impatiant with them. I'm more the passionate one and can be very embarrasing :)

  10. Så vackert du skriver om honom !
