Just a little sign to tell you that I'm alive.
I've been struggling with a depression for a while and the last weeks it got worse. I have finally taken the courage to do something about it. I have a time scheduled at the therapist, medication and am able to work half time. Next week I will stay at home, whole time to rest, wich is very needed as I feel exhausted.
My pumpkin compete with the colours of the autumn leafs.
I will take long walks, picking fungus, working in the garden....try to spend time outdoors as much as possible. I will also write some letters I have received that I haven't read yet (sorry).
I will try not to scedule too much though.
And I know there is hard times ahead :/......
Hope you start feeling better real soon ... :o)
SvaraRaderaGet well soon, darling! I wish you all the best!
SvaraRaderaTänker på dig & hoppas på att du ska snart ska få må bättre igen!
SvaraRaderaSTOR kram från Jenny
Hoppas det blir bättre snart! Vet själv hur tufft det kan vara med depressioner. :S Cyberkramar från Madamn Noire
SvaraRaderaGet well soon! Therapy is a hard road, but it's so good that you are working to make yourself feel better :) I think this is the hardest time of the year, at least in Finland it's been rainy and cloudy and really grey and sad looking. As a positive side, there's a lot of mushrooms in the forest!
SvaraRaderaHoppas depressionen går över! Vila upp dig ordentligt :)
SvaraRaderaHöstlöv är sååå fint!
I hope you get well soon.
SvaraRaderaYour car looks great, it suits this time of year :)
Sorry to hear that, darling.
SvaraRaderaI know depression is always a bad thing, so all my love and strenght flying to you ♥
O vännen det låter ju inte roligt att du har fått en depression.
SvaraRaderaHoppas du kan vilja upp dig och att du med lite meditation och en stor portion vilande får glädjen tillbaka och att allt så småningom ser lite ljusare ut.
Ta hand om dig och lyssna på ditt hjärta!
Jag tänker på dig.
Stor vet kram.
I'm so sorry to hear about the difficulties you're going through. Depression is definitely not fun. But it sounds like your work is understanding and rest is definitely in order! Good luck, and feel better! One day at a time...
SvaraRaderaÅååååååå, fina fina du. Det viktigaste är att du tar hand om dej, var snäll mot dej. Om det alls tröstar, så skall du veta att jag har gått igenom det samma. Jag vet. Tungt och svart är depressions-oket att bära, men jag lovar, det kommer en dag då det lättar. Men dom orden är nog inte lätta att tro på.