I've been thinking a lot about the properties of water lately. Water running under ground can be a carrier of electromagnetic energy and such places can cause things that are not so good for humans. It is also said that hauntings are more frequent at such places.
Under our house, there is lots of running water. We have a 2 meter deep digged well in the cellar were we pump the groundwater up and heat our house with a heat exchanger. There is so much water that it seldom runs out. No wonder our house is haunted.
But parapsychological scientists explain that the electromagnetical fields have a low frequency that can cause a feel of uneasiness, sickness and even hallucinogenes for people. That hauntings could be explained by these low frequencies. Theese facts have made me start my own investigation.
Yesterday I bent two iron wires to a pair of pointers (I really don't know what to call them). With the pointers you can see were the curry lines are and were you have running water. This information is important for you because you'll know were you should avoid sleeping or planting a fruit tree.
Thankfully the lines are along the walls in the house, as they can be in very old houses (not sure about this house). But were my youngest sleeps the pointers points the negative way and when Johan measured the elektromagnetic field it was very low. I have to investigate this further, if it's bad or if it's good.....Update; since he has moaning about headache in the mornings we decided to move around the furnitures in his room. I haven't told him about my test so I don't scare him <3 nbsp="">3>
So what about the hauntings. Well we had it quite calm lately, but...But last week I was home alone and sewing in my studio in the basement. I was there for hours and felt a flow in my work. As I stood by my table with my back to the room were the stairwell and the heat exchanger is, a loud chuckling snort was heard in that room. My first millisecond of thought was that Johan was home. The next was "Johan is NOT home". I was so scared that I felt the taste of metal in my mouth. I turned the lights of and went upstairs very fast. When I came upstairs I got a little angry. I don't like to be disturbed and definitely not by someone I cannot see.
oooooh so much beautiful pics! Lovely! <3
SvaraRaderaThanks <3 I did only use my cellphone :)
RaderaUnderbara bilder!
SvaraRaderaIntressant inlägg, jag råkade också ut för en del mystiska saker när jag hyrde hus på landet, och där var ju också egen brunn, dock en bit från huset... Slagruta heter tydligen divining rod på engelska.
Ha en fin helg vännen!
KRAM, Jenny
Vilket intressant ord! Men jag andänder metallpinnar och i sverige kallas de för pekare, så jag gjorde en direktöversätting. Många program om övernaturligt jag sett har man sagt att vatten kan vara en bärare av jordmagnetisk strålning. Kan det vara en anledning till att man dyrkade vid källor tro?
RaderaDet kan säkert vara en anledning!
RaderaFina bilder! Och du är så duktig på att skriva på engelska! Min engelska har liksom...dött...:) Måste nog friska upp den när As engelska läxor blir svårare :)
SvaraRaderaÄh, men tack ändå. Jag använder mig ibland av google translate (pinsamnt jag vet) när jag inte hittar rätta ordet. Fast translate kan ge ganska konstiga förslag också.
RaderaYou always take the most beautiful pictures!
SvaraRaderaBut oh, I wouldn't have wanted to be you in the basement that day! I hope it doesn't keep you away from your studio though, because that would be awful ... :o(
Thanks. My cellphone must be really good, Galaxy S2.
RaderaI was really freaked out. I have been experiencing things in the studio before but not that I needed to leave. Frankly I havent spend lot of time down there since. But I think I will today :)
Usch vad obehagligt det måste ha känts..jag har också bott på hemsökta ställen så jag är alltid livrädd för plötsliga ljud när jag är ensam hemma!
SvaraRaderaJag har bara blivit ett par gånger här hemma och denna grej var en av dem. Vi har hört någon som småpratat och sett skuggor men det har inte berört mig.
RaderaAlltså den som stod och harklade högt bakom min rygg hade uppenbarligen jätteroligt för det var en blandning mellan skratt/frustande/harklande. Sådär "nu ska jag komma och göra mig hörd". Jag tyckte inte det var ett dugg kul.
Jättefina bilder! Så skönt att se en blå himmel :) Här är det grått och trist, snöar 24/7.
SvaraRaderaOooh, spöken :D Hade det varit jag i källaren så hade jag sprungit in i rummet bakom mig och lyssnat efter fler ljud, haha, jag är nog dum på så sätt för egentligen är jag rädd! Men det är ju så intressant!!! Jag har gjort så några gånger i min systers rum, men så fort jag kommer inspringandes så blir det tyst :(
Nej jag brukar inte heller bli rädd mest störd. Men nu ville han skrämmas och hade jättekul åt mig "ha ha". :( Usch vad sur jag blir när jag tänker på det.
RaderaLustigt att när jag postar bilderna så snöar det mer än vanligt.
oh, I know the feeling. My parents house must be built on underground water flow to. When we were little the was big amount on strange sounds and thing. My father is a skeptical toward those things but the once was a night when he heard a sound of bare feet running in the hall. He thought it was us and shouted at as to go to sleep. But the sound didn't stop so he went out to the hall and the was nothing. He checked our room and we all were deeply asleep. My mother told that he looked quite flustered when he came back to a bedroom. And there are much many stories. I used to be afraid to comeback from my studies. It ended when almost all of us moved out. So I guess a big accumulation of people emotions ( and everyone in our family is quite a personality) created something. You can imaging how much energy can produce a emotional five members family when they are in a bad mood:)
SvaraRaderaI also think of that. We have one teenager and one tweenie and two smaller children in the family and they cause a lot of energy.
RaderaAnother phenomen in the house is foreboding. Often 5 minutes before someone comes home the stairs on the porch sounds just like someone is coming home, sometimes the sound of an opening door hears as well.
sv: Eller hur! Ja, jag har för det mesta haft svart så jag kan förstå att det känns ovant. Men av någon anledning känner jag för att blogga mycket mer och blir som "piggare" av att komma in där nu, fastän jag såklart är väldigt mörk rakt igenom :) haha.
SvaraRaderaHoppas du härdar ut!
Ja, så kan det faktiskt vara vännen...att jag köpt en earcuff i form av en ryggrad till dig..! Hoppas att du gillar den & att den var hel..! Annars får du säga till!
SvaraRaderaDet kommer ju 2 överraskningar till förr eller senare!
KRAM, Jenny
Den är jättefin <3
RaderaVad bra!
This is soooooo beautiful! :D