
onsdag 28 augusti 2013

With the sound of whispering trees

I feel blessed having a garden when it’s time for harvest. I spend a lot of time in the garden, in the forest and in the kitchen these days. There is so much to take care of. The green summer apples gives the best mashed apple jam, light in color and fresh in taste. The other red autumn apple tree gives the best apples for juice, amber, sweet and aromatic. The third apple tree isn’t quite finished it will ripe after first frost, which is I guess within a week.
I save seeds from almost all my vegetables, it is easier that you could think, and gives you free veggies. I grow some species that are very difficult to find, like the blue peas and the grey peas. The grey peas were grown by the Vikings and the people before them. A turnip from the village nearby that is impossible to find in commercial stores, the white mild tasting one.  I also have seeds from other side of the planet; a kidney bean bought at a market in Rajma, India, it grows well here. My newest gift are two sorts of bell pepper from Serbia, that a coworker got for me. My favorite tomatoes are the Russian ones, that gives a good harvest without a green house.
We took the car to a place where we can find lots of berries in the forest this Sunday. We only picked a few liters of each blueberries and lingonberries, the picnic was more important because we already have a lot of berries left from last year. A few of the family members, the oldest kids and I, stopped by a creek to explore a waterfall and a beautiful place in the forest. Unfortunately the creek was almost dry but I found water mint to pick and dry for tea. I have to return when the water is high to take photos of the waterfall. Even if it was little water we could spot some shy fishes  hiding away as we walked around.

Just a simple thing as picking apples lifts my mood to a higher level. I still suffer from depressive thoughts but doing my job in the garden make me feel real and useful.

18 kommentarer:

  1. Härlig utflykt och visst är trädgård bra terapi :) Går ofta ut i den när jag inte orkar mer...

    1. Människor är jobbiga ibland, då är trädgården bra :)

  2. How wonderful the nature in Sweden is... Everything seems so green and lush and lonesome (in a good way). Here in Germany it is hard to wlk for 15 min straight without seeing another house.

    1. Indeed you can get really lost in these forests. If I turn my head at east from my house, I have miles and miles to next village.

  3. Are those broad beans on the top left? I grew some this year and they were so good that I think I will grow more next year :)

    1. Oh yes it is. I got lost in translation at some point. Thought you called it farmer beans like we do. I like to serve them with some garlic, oil and herbs, or mashed to a dip sauce.

  4. Ja, hur skulle man må utan trädgård & natur..?
    Härligt att kunna odla själv!

    KRAM, Jenny

    1. Jag tycker synd om dom som måste bo i en storstad :).

  5. Flera liter bär och olika äppleträd låter alldeles underbart! Dina fröer låter dessutom väldigt spännande, och om du får några över hade jag varit väldigt intresserad :)

    1. Jaa :) självklart ska du få det.!! :) Sockerärten vart det inte mycket frön av i år. Jag gav nog min kompis för mycket :/.

  6. I so loved to walk in the forest (woods). Seems I don't get out all all if it wasn't for my seeds I planted. I save seeds too. Nice photos.

  7. I wish I could have a garden here, but no way to do it in my neighbourhood. However, I can get as many veggies as I want at my granny´s. She grown all kind of thing herself (plus, she´s a lovely lady who loves to share them!)♥

    1. That's nice to have relatives that can share their crops.

  8. I have a VERY tiny garden space now, and most of it is not good for growing food plants, as the ground has nasty stuff in it and there is too much shade. But I'm doing as much as I can; hopefully some day I'll have another beautiful garden!

    You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! Here, even in the parks and forests you hear industrial noise and see ugly man-made things stuck into the middle of nature. Very annoying!

    1. Maybe you can grow in some kind of containers?
      I have realized that I am lucky to live where I do :)

  9. What a quiet beautiful place that must be! It's so nice to pick your own berries! My mother actually makes blueberry and raspberry jam! Forest fruits are the most delicious! ^^

  10. Härligt att kunna skörda och äta sånt man sått själv :) Jag fick för första gången odla själv nu också när vi har lite trädgård, det blev bl.a. ärter, morot, rädisa och sallad. Som jag längtat under alla år i höghus!
