
fredag 8 november 2013

Halloween prop

Here's one of the Halloween props for this year. I ran smoothly thanks to my skilled boyfriend. Coffin and "stones" are made by me.

I so do hate november. It gets dark by 3pm. Right now icy cold rain is pouring down and the temperature is just 4 degrees above freezing point. Only crazy people and those who really must goes outside now. I'm sitting in the sofa mostly with lit candles in my black livingroom. I don't feel guilty at all because I have an inflammation in my knee and since the doctor have bent and pressed my knee and leg during examination, it feels. I curse all the stairs and ladders at work.

22 kommentarer:

  1. HAHAHA! AWESOME! :) Love it, love it, love it.

    1. I think the irregular banging of the coffin lid is the best :)

  2. Huuuu så läskigt, kan ju skrämma slag på vem som helst=) Visst är det träligt väder nu, i morse var det glashalt med en hinna av is över allting. Sen har det regnat halva dagen.
    Önskar dig en fin helg!

    1. Åh vad roligt att få kommentar från dig. Det var längesedan :)
      Jag längtar efter snö. Jag och doktorn kom överens om att det var den träningen som jag kunde ägna mig åt i vinter :)

  3. GREAT decorations, you are talented!

    I love November here in California, but I can understand why sunset at 3pm might not be much fun! Also that's just TOO COLD for me!!! Snow and freezing rain are not my favorite things. I shall mail you some sun from California, although it's not all that warm here anymore!

    Take care of your knee, I hope it's better soon.

  4. Så j-a häftigt, kan tänka mig hur läskigt det måste vara när det är kväll & mörkt dessutom..! : )

    Hoppas att du snart blir bättre i ditt knä, inflammationer är verkligen inte kul...

    KRAM, Jenny

    1. Åh, tack. Vi hade fler grejer som inte är filmade. En spegel som visar ett ansikte när man tittar i den, och dörrklockan med ett ansikte som kommer upp i fönstret när man plingar.

  5. Vilka fina dekorationer, det syns inte alls att de är "hemgjorda"!
    Jag sitter också bara på soffan. Jag har inget knä att skylla på, men jag känner mig inte ett dugg skyldig ändå :)

    1. Nej det ska du inte behöva ;). Du har ju jobbat stenhårt. :)

  6. This is awesome! It would look cool with some colored lights, thinking of red or green smoke, even more creepy. :)

    Our sun is a moody moll, this year, the weather is totally unpredictable, but for two weeks, it was cold, windy and grey with lots of rain, which I can't stand either. You should rest, I hope your knee will get better soon. :)

    1. We used the same mask the first halloween party. If you check the link at youtube and the other videos you can see how we used our shower in the basement with coloured lightning, smoke and creepy music. That was fun. Kids were crying :D

  7. Oooooh very nice prop! Very spooky! I think it would scare me! I would probably jump through your window in fright and that would scare you! Ha ha!

    Our November has mostly been too hot, sweating to death even in the house, with random amounts of rain and random freezing days just to torture us when we have put the warm pyjamas and clothes away so we can sit there freezing.

    1. That sounds like our april weather. One hour there is warm sunshine and next; extreme winds and snow.

  8. Oh and I hope your knee gets better soon!

  9. Nämen vad fint och coolt fixat :D Bus eller godis barnen måste blivit överlyckliga!

    1. Hi hi. Ja de älskar det . Men Moa blev lite upprörd över att vi målat väggarna svarta. Ni kan ju inte ens ha tomte på jul men måla väggarna till halloween, det går bra!

  10. That coffin is the best! I bet it was great after dark!! :D

  11. Oh, your Halloween props are awesome! I just called my husband and son in to see your film and they were very impressed! :D Do you get trick-or-treaters in Sweden?

    I'm so sorry about your knee! Hope it will be feeling better very soon! ❤

    1. Trick or treating is not very common in Sweden. It might occur more on some places. Our house lies very off in that aspect, not many walk the dark path to our house or the unlit road. This prop was for our Halloween party for the kids and their friends.

  12. Oh :/ I am so sorry about your knee! Hope for a soon recovery!
    I got scared by the decorations haha i thought it was music and then the guy from the tombstone pops out haha or the noises from the coffin!! that was super awesome :D
