
onsdag 11 december 2013

Decorating for christmas

I was home with a coughing Alfons today and finally got time to do some decorations in the kitchen. The advent lights should have been fixed a couple of weeks ago but, didn't have any time. 
I think that maybe was meant because the ribbon I bought in Tällberg was perfect for this.
Here's a closer look at one of the candles, no 3. I made those figures several years ago and have used them every year since then but with different ribbons.
The moss is picked in the forest by our house. I like to decorate with natural elements and green moss is a perfect material.
I love those bottle brush trees, they are my etsy addiction I have to confess. The bottlebrush forest grows every year. The mini pumpkins I bought for Halloween is still in great condition so I can't throw them away.
The zinc cones got purple hyacints that fills the kitchen with a lovely scent.
Christmas is very much about filling the house with nice smells. Like baking gingerbreads. I have my own recipe (of course I have to creat the weel once again) with my own secret spices added. Thats why I baking in the same speed the family are eating them. I can tell you I filled 1,5 cans and there is only one halv left, within a few hours. 
By the way; spicy cookies are good medicine for children with cough, but too many gives stomach ache.

Tomorrow and friday will be Lucia celebration, I wrote about that tradition last christmas, if you wan't to know more about it. Or you could hop over to Ms.Misantropia who gives a good explanation of what it's all about.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I made spicy angel-shaped cookies one Christmas and the youngest ate too many and was physically sick. She's never asked for those cookies again.

    I like your idea of moss around the candles. I'll do that next year! :o)

  2. Jag önskar att vi kunde ha Hyacinter, den doften ÄR Jul för mig. Men Cinnamon man är allergisk, så jag får nöja mig med att lukta på dem när jag besöker ICA...

  3. I tried to make the typical sugar and butter coloured Christmas cookies last years, but the the result was...ehm... no exactly what I expected. I felt very frustrated after all the effort, so no really sure about trying again. After all, there are so many delicious resdy-to-eat treats on the market right now!
    However, my mother is a great cook, so I´ll be missing her wonderful and scent meals this year, as long as I´ll be spending the season in Romania.

  4. Så fin "ljusstake". :) Jag måste också plocka mossa till ett projekt, men är ganska säker på att den är blöt som f*n just nu (vi har ju bara regn här nere!). :( Plockar man hela mossklumpen eller bara "fluffet ovanpå"? :D

    1. Jag plockar mossan på stenarna. Man tar tussar här och där, inte så att stenen blir kal, för att inte förstöra alltför mycket. Det gör inget att den är våt, den håller sig fin längre då :)

  5. Skitsnyggt med mossaljusstaken, kanske borde pröva själv? Kan vara bra om den är våt/fuktig dock, mindre brandfarligt så kan jag tänka mig.

  6. sv: Ja jag förstår inte varför jag inte gjort det tidigare! Förenklar ju för de som vill läsa enormt. Tror det kommer bli jobbigt att skriva på både svenska och engelska i längden, samtidigt som jag tror att jag har rätt unga läsare som kanske inte är så bra på engelska... Men det är ju min blogg, och blir det bekvämast att bara skriva på engelska kommer jag göra det :)
