
tisdag 14 januari 2014

Choosing path

There is no one else to decid the direction of your life but you. What you chose to do is what you become, not your wishes.
 I have now started the path to a new profession by starting a program at the university. I will continue my full time work as a technician at the factory though, to avoid loan. By that I could also quit the studies if it's not what I expected.
So, the goal is to become a teacher in chemistry with math as a second subject. I have already a bachelor exam in chemistry, but not many jobs as a chemist is to find in this area. I hope that I could be someone who inspire students to enjoy it so much they learn something of it. 
These photos are from the towns cemetary. It's huge and situated in a forest between the city and the sports arenas. I think it's nice with the tall fir trees mixed with the gravestones. I visited the boys grandmothers grave and brushed off the snow and removed a twig that had fallen on the grave. It's a weird empty feeling to standing by a loved ones grave, I feel that the person is more present when I think of or talk about him/her.

20 kommentarer:

  1. Lycka till med dina studier!
    Vackra bilder.
    KRAM, Jenny

  2. Good luck with your studies, I know you can do it! :-)

    And I know what you mean about graves. It's a very odd feeling, standing and looking down at the ground where someone is supposed to be, but you know THEY aren't really there. The cemetery is beautiful with the snow, though.

  3. Those photos have such a melancholy beauty. I agree, gravestones look beautiful interspersed amongst trees. Good luck with your studies. It's very inspiring hearing about all the plans that blog buddies have for 2014! :)

  4. WAHOO! Good luck darling gal! Please keep me/us posted on how your doing. And if you need to chat with someone who will understand the "academic" side of life, drop me an email or letter. Or we can Skype -- I'm here for you!

    And those photos are just beautiful!

    1. Thanks dear! I'm used to study technical, subjects. Pedagogics seems much more abstract with more room for different interpretations.

  5. Åh vad roligt att plugga till kemilärare! :) Är det för högstadiet eller gymnasiet? Stort lycka till! Kram

    1. Jag har poäng tillräckligt för högstadie men osäker på hur det är med gymnasielärare. Tack :)

  6. I understand what you mean...the only way to have your beloved ones live on is to never stop loving and thinking of them, not to visit their graves daily. I often think of my dad and I even talk to him, it brings him closer to me...ayway. :)

    I agree with you completely and I'm proud of you; sometimes it's hard to make such a decision and go after our dreams. Besides, you're such an open and inspiring person, I'm sure you'd make a great teacher! :)

    1. Thanks for your encouraging and kind words, they made my day much lighter :)

  7. Kul att välja något man VILL göra som inte bara är ett måste!
    Hoppas det går riktigt bra och att du gillar det. :)
    Fina bilder! Tycker det ser så mysigt ut där, mitt i skogen.

    1. mm det är en fin kyrkogård, mycket träd...

  8. How wonderful that you are shifting direction toward your passion. That's never an easy thing to do, and I always especially admire women who face the challenges of work AND school while raising kids. You'll be so much happier for it in the end. Best wishes to you in this new journey!

  9. It is a beautiful cemetery, very isolated and old fashioned looking. It looks like a nice place to sit and contemplate things. Well, maybe not sit on the ground in that weather, but lovely nevertheless. It is great that you are training to hopefully be able to do something you really enjoy!

    1. It is a very large and beautiful cemetary. They started to use it in the beginning of 20th century so some graves are old, but it's the cemetary for all the newly desceased.

  10. I think you'd make a great teacher. :o)

    I also think it's a very good idea to stay on at the factory until you're settled on your new path, although I'm sure it's hard to be doing that, going to school,and taking care of your family. Make sure to take time for yourself once in a while! :o)

    1. Thanks for your concern. I feel like myself again and that means that I tend to do everything all at once :)

  11. Lycka till med ditt nya karriärval :D jag pluggade faktiskt en termin på lärarprogrammet 2009, men jag tyckte det var oerhört svåra tentor så jag orkade inte med tyvärr. Väldigt synd för lärare verkar vara ett väldans trevligt yrke :) jag valde hemkunskap som inriktning.

    1. Åh, du hade nog blivit världens bästa hemkunskapslärare. Jag har läst igenom kursinnehållet för första kursen och den verkar döötråkig. Men jag är fruktansvärt envis så om jag bestämmer mig för att klara det så gör jag det :). På något sätt tycker jag att de här kraven att alla ska ha en utbildning i det de jobbar som är överdriven. Det finns så många duktiga människor som lär sig på egen hand. Min sambo har lärt sig massor med programeringsspråk och jobbar nu som systemutvecklare. Han jobbar med högskoleutbildade och de är inte bättre än honom.

  12. First, good luck with your goals and wish you to archive them :) Stay focused! And everything will be ok <3 I also love the pictures, winter melancholy..
