
fredag 11 april 2014

Bat fit and garden update + a cake and nailpolish

Bat fit update. So my weight raised a little during the autumn because of much sitting, both at work and studying at home. Even if I used calorie tracker I didn’t lost any weight. My metabolism must be very very low. So instead of counting calories I will try exercise a lot more than I have done the last years. If I do work out and gain muscles then the metabolism should become better. We have a gym at work and at the gym there is a cross trainer that I have been thinking of trying. So last week I started, first 15 minutes one lunch and then 20 minutes the others at least 3 days a week. I haven’t lost a single pound but I feel much more alert. The cross trainer is like a combination of bicycling, cross country skiing and running. It is very kind to the body but my broken knee was a bit swollen today. My goal is to be able to run again, because running was the recipe for staying in shape and keeping my mood up.
 Other things that has been going on lately is sawing down the trees on the backyard. Fir spikes and shadow has been ruin part of my vegetable beds. All those twigs must be stacked in piles for transportation to a bonfire (will be lit on last night of April). This is also exersize J.
 My mori fairy boy had his 10th birthday last week. He ordered a piñjata with candy and a fish cake for the birthday party. Johan also made magical tricks for him and the guests. This is how the fish cake turned out. The boys helped me to do marcipan figures to decorate it.
 I coloured some marcipan blu and made the cover of the cake, well done to be the first time I think.
You know the flaky nailpolish I reviewed? They have a lovely nail polish line called Velvet goth. How awesome isn't that?? Here's the link to the site Models Own. The colours are told to be matte but with sparkly flakes in the colours, Obsidian, Amethyst, Valerian, Sardonyx and Absinthe. I was supposed to order a couple but when I came to the cashout the delivery fees were more expensive than the purchase. So you guys who live in UK are lucky, those colours looks definitely something I would like to paint my nails in.

13 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, that cake looks deliciously cheerful, you've done a great job. ^^

    I have a very slow metabolism as well, it's such a struggle to keep it going at all...I'm sure the gym is a great idea, I just wish I'd be less lazy. I hope your knee is alright by now! ^^

    1. I have always had slow metabolism. Eating that would make one look anorectic would make me look normal.

  2. Oh, my! What a lovely work you did with the cake. Your boy had to be impressed, I guess.
    You are truly talented in terms of bakery, I can totally see you opening your own business!
    Lots of love from Bucharest.

    1. Thanks :) I'm a bit vaunting now, but I think I'm a good pastry baker.

  3. Happy 10th birthday to Alfons! Sounds like the perfect party. :)

    I'm sure your garden will do much better without the trees, and they will make a lovely bonfire! We are in the middle of another blizzard tonight. I am SO looking forward to the end of winter. :)

    1. Sorry about that Lynn, I would definitely not have a blizzard right now.

  4. Jättefin tårta!
    Vet inte om 5:2 dieten skulle funka för dig eftersom du jobbar, men annars verkar den vara bra, jag kan dock inte anamma den själv eftersom jag är sjuk.
    Å andra sidan så har ju min övervikt berott till största del på att sköldkörteln krånglat, men det har tydligen rättat till sig nu..! :)
    KRAM <3

    1. För mig känns 5:2 dieten inte tillräcklig. Jag äter typ 2:5 diet idag, väldigt lite på veckorna och lite mer på helgerna :/. funderar faktiskt på att börja detoxa och äta mer raw vegan, det fick mig att gå ner i vikt men det var svårt att laga olika mat åt familjen o mig.

  5. Svar
    1. Tackar :) Alfons är bra på tårtdesign.

  6. Vilken fin tårta! Älskar mandelmassa o marsipan, mums! :D
    Bara namnen på de där nagellacken var ju snygga!
    Hoppas det fixar sig med knät. Jag vill också kunna springa en dag... just nu hade det nog gått bättre att rulla fram, haha :P

  7. sv: tack :D spelningen gick superbra! ja usch för cirkusar och hur de beter sig...

  8. That cake looks adorable!
