
lördag 4 oktober 2014

How to find calm and silence, or at least trying to.

It has been an insane period and it's not over yet. I was asked to come and have some lectures earlier than supposed because they didn't have any teacher for my coming classes. I asked for permission to get leave of abscense at work to go teaching and got it. So I work at my old work a little more than half time, work as a teacher in math and technology half time and study half time. That means the woken hours evolve around work and studies only. There will be no time for social stuff for a while.

To calm down I light candles even at daytime. There's a lavender scented tea light in the glass and drying flower seeds on the counter and a few drying small onions. A candle and seed place.
To avoid noises (kids, tv, buzzing, tinnitus) I listen to background sounds like this playlist.

Or if I'm in for another mood

I can't listen to voices while reading therefore these kind of sounds are perfect and calming. 
We have a lovely autumn and I try to look up and enjoy the colours and falling leaves. I hope everything will be settled when next year arrives.
The last dragonfly of the year, saved from a cobweb. It look a bit ragged.

19 kommentarer:

  1. I am definately going to listen to those! I need calm too!

  2. Förstår att det är mycket som händer i ditt liv nu, men är helt övertygad om att du fixar det så länge du är rädd om dig själv!

    1. Jo huvudet är lite fullpackat just nu :-/

  3. Seems like it's a busy time for everyone. I've been listening to a lot of rain sounds to help me sleep.

    1. Dark and stormy night is great to listen to, only 2 hours long though. I love the sound of thunder.

  4. When I was an undergrad I would listen to new age pagan music when I studied, it was quiet and mostly instrumental. It always helped me to calm down and relax. :)

  5. Oh the spooky relaxation mix was absolutely perfect. I love the sound of crows, they calm me so much. I always feel comforted when I hear one.

  6. It's great that you're working in a field that you love! Anita has just started studying teaching too ;)

    1. Oh, I don't know if I will love it. My partner says that I propably will do something else in 7 years.

  7. Candles in the dark and beautiful music can be very calming. I love seeing dragonflies, butterflies and other flying creatures. I like to think they are faeries sending the message that all will be well!

    1. What a nice thought! The dragonfly was very patient when I released it and it sat still while I removed the rest of the cobwebs from it's legs. Like it understood that I didn't mean any harm.

  8. I can't listen to voices while doing ANYTHING, unless it is music - and sometimes not even that. So I can understand what you want when you look for some peace, haha. I've heard about a guy that was studying for his last examinations and what he did was to listen to music he hated, so there was no way he would pay attention to the sound. Quite smart, huh? :)

    1. I can't listen to music I hate. I cringe and I get stressed. :-)

  9. Jag hoppas att det lättar lite för dig snart, och du får njuta lite av Halloween!

    1. Ja, det är först nu som jag har kommit i Halloween mood. Men det är sorgligt att jag inte har tid, det känns som att jag inte kommer att ha tid med något julpynt heller :-/

  10. Oh my, this sounds very stressful! It is hard to balance so many things at once.
