
söndag 10 maj 2015

Silly and sad

It has been a very emotional weekend. On thursday morning when we were about to feed the bunnies, before heading to work we found empty cages. There were no trace of them at all and they were nowere to be seen. I walked around our and the neighbours garden to look for them as Johan reviewed the nights security camera shoots. By the side of the bike road I found a twig with Pooki-hair 1 feet above ground. It was a fox.
Johan confirmed, that the fox was there twice to get the bunnies. 
I'm so sad 
I'm not angry with the fox, I'm angry with myself because I should have prevented this. 
We have these wallpaper eaters left as company. 
 I drowned myself in work and as I usually tell you nowadays, I work a lot. We had becoming students visiting our school and they were supposed to do some fun activities like building a shield for a falling egg. Of course I couldn't resist trying myself and my co-chemistry teacher helped me to build a frame with pipes, tape and thread. Our construction was the only one that crashed the egg. Don't give this task to a chemistry teacher, leave it to the physics said the physics teacher. 
Trial and error. 
As the weekend arrived the mourning smacked me with a heavy fist. I had to replant my seedlings and had to go to the backyard and see those empty cages, I've been weeping the whole weekend.
You know when things like this happens. Lots of other shit comes to the surface, family issues that my work has forced me to surpress. I'm going to log out from fuckbook. Why should I read shit what others do and write shit about myself, the consequence is that they don't call or pay me a visit because they can see me on facebook (like that is some kind of reality). 

My dearest, loveliest. The nicest bunny that ever was. I miss her so...Rest in peace Wilma. 

27 kommentarer:

  1. OH HONEY! :( I am so sorry. sigh ... those foxes get into everything. My grandma lost so many nice geese and kittens to fox. I'm sending you lots and lots of love and healing energy. Thinking about you, dear friend.

  2. Oh no! :( this iso sad! Foxes really do get into everything, they had off with three of my mum's guinea fowl leaving on poor female all alone and her throat scarred from a bite wound :( it is horrible when you feel responsible for these things... it is the way of nature though I suppose. Sending hugs to you!

  3. Oh no! :( this iso sad! Foxes really do get into everything, they had off with three of my mum's guinea fowl leaving on poor female all alone and her throat scarred from a bite wound :( it is horrible when you feel responsible for these things... it is the way of nature though I suppose. Sending hugs to you!

    1. Yes, probaply the fox have puppies and neded to feed them.

  4. I'm so sorry about your bunnies. :( what a sad thing to happen. I had a bunny too so I know how sweet they are.
    I also know how you feel about Facebook. It gets easy for people to ignore you.
    I nominated you for a Leibster award as I love your blog.

    1. Oh thank you. I have to check it out :-)

  5. Oh no. I'm deeply sorry about your bunnies. That's so sad.

    We lost one of ours to a hungry fox a few years back, it was heartbreaking.

    I do love your wallpaper eaters. ♥

    1. It wasn't long ago we put up these wallpapers so it's very irritating. They even started to gnaw on the wood underneath.
      The backyard is empty without the bunnies.

  6. The neighbours have chickens and also dogs to keep the foxes away. So although I love watching the antics of the little pups when they arrive, I know they cause lots of heartache for many with small pets. I'm so sorry about your bunnies. :(

    1. Thats how nature works but I would have protected them better.

  7. How awful! That is heartbreaking. I am so sorry.

  8. I am so so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to get angry at Nature for doing Nature things, but.... oh. I am so sorry.

    1. I'm angry with myself not protecting them enough.

  9. I am so sorry you lost furry family members! Hugs!

  10. I am so sorry :( And I don't blame you. I HATE Facebook but stay on it just to keep in touch with friends as it's the easiest way. In my family it's 40 and 50 year olds who are getting divorced having battles through Facebook statuses! It's absurdly immature, and to think it started as a platform for college students!

    1. Ha ha. I know it's the old one who behave like dorks on the internet! I'm also old (40). I had to unfriend a family member who bullied me on every single post I wrote and he still tries to get me through other relatives.
      During family gatherings they tend to play more with their phones than talking to each other.

  11. So sorry about your bunnies. One of my very earliest memories was when a dog broke in to our garden and killed my bunny I was about 5 at the time. A curtain song still brings back that day.

  12. Beklagar verkligen det som händer era kaniner...
    Det är alltid svårt & ledsamt när ett älskat djur
    inte finns kvar med oss längre.
    Jag förlorade ju nyligen en katt,
    känns konstigt att han inte finns här
    längre, han blev 13 år.

    KRAM, Jenny

  13. I'm so sorry for you! I had a bunny when I was a kit and loved it dearly... Animals sometimes are the better friends than humans!

  14. Nej men stackars små kaninerna! Vad synd, och jag är ledsen att det hela drar upp annat groll också. Så är det ofta tyvärr.

    Jag lämnade facebook för några år sedan, och visst påverkade det mitt sociala liv, men mest när det gällde ytliga bekantskaper (som jag ändå inte bryr mig om). Nära vänner och familj hörs ju ändå, genom sms, mail och telefon.

  15. I am sorry to hear about your bunnies :( It is so hard to lose furry members of the family.

  16. Nej usch så hemskt och tråkigt för er :( det hände oss också med kaninerna vi hade när jag var liten.

  17. Great, I love it! Enjoy the weekend honey!

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  18. Oh gosh, i am really sorry about them. I have stopped using fb because it is a really fake place. I suggest you to get some distance and mourn them but eventually learn to be good again. I know you must feel to blame yourself, but it wont bring them back. Hope you are feeling well <3
