
lördag 10 augusti 2013

Not quite the right colour

I was supposed to take better care of my hair after I cut it, but nope, can't call myself a patiant person. I so would like to have purple hair, even if I really dont dare. But scanning the shelfes of hairdye and asking Alfons wich haircolour he would suggest for me, he pointed at this one.

Yay, purple you said? Eh, no, actually mum, I was pointing at this one (pointing on the one beside, more red colour). But it was too late for him to change and me too. But to get that vibrant colour I needed some bleach as well. A package that tells that gives blond hair even to dark brown. Pha! This is the result after bleaching the roots once and the tops twice. The carrot colour faded after a long sunny weekend.

So then time for that purple colour.....
You are wrong L'oréal!My hair didn't get that "pure purple" haircolour as the parcel tells! 

Well at least I can go to work without too many turning heads. I'm having my last vacation days now, I have truly grasp the opportunity to rest, really rest. 
Maybe in the right colder light you could say purple....

13 kommentarer:

  1. I don't mean to put salt in to the wound, but yeah, it doesn't really look like that vibrant colour in the picture. But they never do, so it's not a surprise... you should maybe dye it another time. It's weird that your hair didn't take purple, 'cause it's maybe the only colour that doesn't even need bleach underneath. You know what, I think that L'Oréal stuff is just crap... maybe you should try alternative brands like Manic Panic or Stargazer ^^

  2. Åh, den där färgen påminner mig om början av 90-talet! "Alla" färgade håret i den vinröda färgen. Tyvärr är det ju så, att om man har gult kvar i håret efter blekning (som alla brunhåriga nästan har) så slår det gärna ut den blå tonen i färgen. En får nästan välja en helt blå eller i alla fall blå-lila färg om en vill ha lila.

    1. Jo får bli så, jag är hyfsat nöjd i allafall.
      Jo jag var rödhårig jag med då ;)

  3. Usually those "market hair colors" producing disappointments :/ But what if you try shock colors (Manic Panic,Directions..)?

  4. Tycker nästan att det snarare rött ut!
    Men visst blir man besviken när varken blekningen eller färgningen blir som utlovat...Nu tycker jag att färgen ser fin ut på dig änd. trots att den inte blev som du tänkt dig! Jag har en paket lila hårfärg från Joanna hemma, köpt på Willy:s för typ 30 spänn, den brukar bli rätt så bra faktiskt. Sedan har jag färg från Directions, och det har jag provat på oblekt hår & det blev också bra! Finns en bild på mitt hår här:

    Kram, Jenny

    1. Ser ju riktigt bra ut din bild. Om man lägger på blått på det här så kanske :)

  5. Det blev ju en mysig färg ändå :D När jag hade lila hår använde jag Directions plum dock, de lila färgerna som fanns i affären fastnade aldrig på mitt hår så :<

  6. It looks not that bad, although those purple colours from the super market never achieve the brilliant purple they promise on the cover. Believe me, I tried most of them!

    If you want purple hair, use DIrections, Manic Panc or Special effects! I swear by Special effects, they are a little more expensive, but my purple stayed for weeks and I had to redye because of my roots and not because of fading colour...

  7. Passar ju dig skitbra! Det blev en snygg färg även om den inte matchar förpackningens färg helt. :) Men så blir det aldrig.
    Jag satte ju en mörk vinröd färg i håret en gång och det blev svart/brun/lila. Tydligen är det en dålig idé att bleka håret först enligt Schwarzkopf... Själv tänker man automatiskt att färgen måste ju bli starkare då!
    Men din färg blev jättesnygg tycker jag, it's a keeper! ;P

  8. It's so disappointing when the colour doesn't turn out as you'd hoped, isn't it? I tried to get two large grey streaks down the front of my hair, and although I often see young girls with a fabulous grey colour, mine would end up brassy blonde or sometimes green. After paying endless hairdressers large sums of money to achieve the grey (which they all assured me they could do!) I gave up - they're almost grown out now. :P

  9. Well, it's not vibrant purple but it's a lovely color just the same!

    I used to use the Hot Topic brand (Raw) in Deep Purple (not sure if I have told you this already; I've shared that on so many people's blogs!! Sorry if I am repeating.). It's SO gentle on hair and even over my un-bleached dark brown I got a gorgeous eggplant-colored result that was only really obvious in the sun, which is exactly what I wanted... If you were to bleach first, it would be VERY purple.

  10. It does look nice, but not like the picture on the package indeed. I currently use hairdye by Syoss. I've only tried one of their colours, but that turned out quite nice ^^
