I should have shown this earlier. I got some nice christmas garments in our White gift swap. A peppermint scented candle, a lovely tin heart I hung in the window and candle wreaths looking like ice crystals. In the parcel was also a handmade christmas card with a greeting from the anonymous sender. Everything of it is lovely. Thanks!!
Det har varit riktiga slödagar mellan jul och nyår...eller ja. Det tar ju sitt att ta hand om 4 barn och ett hushåll. Jag har inte orkat så mycket mer än så.Johan har varit handikappad med sin paketerade hand och i måndags var han borta hela dagen för att få en titanskruv i tummen.
Idag passade jag på att smita iväg på en liten sparktur med Tuli för jag ville spendera lite tid ensam med honom. Han och O ska ju hem till pappa och vara borta från mig i över en vecka. Vi åkte på andra sidan ån och stannade för att kasta lite snöklumpar i vattnet.
It has been lazy days during these days between christmas and newyear. Or...Well it takes a lot taking care of 4 children and the household. I didn't have more energy than doing just that. Johan has been disabled by his hand in a pig parcel and on the monday he was away all day at the hospital for an operation and getting a screw in his thumb. Today I took some time with myself and Tuli and went for a kick sled ride. I wanted to spend a little time by ourself because he and his brother will go to his father for over a week. We went over the river but stopped to throw snowballs in the water.

Vi pysslade lite när vi kom hem med en sak som jag ska fota imorgon när det är ljust. Imorgon firar vi nyår alldeles ensamma Johan och jag. Lite tråkigt utan barnen.
We made some fun crafting when we came home. I will take a picture of it tomorrow when the light is back. Me and Johan will celebrate the New year all by ourselves without the kids, that is a bit boring I think, I will miss them.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year. May it be filled with love and laughter!