is a webstore filled with lots of lovely clothes and accesoires. The quality is very varying but the prices are low. Recently I bought a couple of items at the sale at Restyle. I bought the shirt; Punk Rave Y-213 with ruffles and extended sleeves.
The size was L. I wanted to buy XL but there were no left so I thought I would try. I would rather call this a size medium, but the arms are so thin on the shirt that if I loose weight I'm not sure I will be able to use it anyway :(. This is how it looks on the model.
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I also bought a pair of sunglasses. Very 50's style. I'm not sure how many of this kind of glasses I have used through the years and brake. I will always be in need of at least a pair of these. They goes well with victorian style clothes and vintage clothes. I got a little annoyed to see that there were a few of those purple glass gothic ones left right now as there were no left when I bought these, grr. I have to limit myself now!!
My first underbust corset was bought from the sale; the heavy lacing corset green. I tried it on and it looks fabulous. It reduces my waist with almost 4 inches and feels comfortable to wear. I think it will be great to train in. The quality seems quite good comparing to those I have. The outer fabric seems a little fragile though it is a flocked lace print on a thin emerald green fabric. I'm sure I will by more of these.
I took a long walk yesterday to go to our supermarket to get a postal delivery. The walk took a little more than an hour and I was freezing my ass of, literally. It was -12 degrees C and a beautiful day with shimmering ice crystals in the air and on the trees. I decided to take a stroll around the church and the churchyard that I pass on the way.
This is our beautiful little wooden church in our neighbourhood. It is built sometime during the 17th century. The closests graves around the church are very mixed in age. I passed a new one with a picture of a young boy who died two years ago in a motorcycle accident just a kilometer away. The atmosphere around the stone was so sad and sorrowful that I started to cry. I guess that it was the imprint of his mourning relatives that I felt.
Update: I'm so damn sick and tired of my owerweight. As I feel better in my head I have the energy to take care of the rest. I've been trying Ashtanga Yoga a few times and got really stuck on it. I love the silence, the breathing sound, the meditativeness and the tought gymnastics. I have checked the instructors out and they are very muscular. That is understandable because I hade muscle ace in a week after the first session.
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source It is held in a beautiful slag stone building by the river. As a contrast, Johan had attended a hyper modern gym with fitness people and lots of classes with tricky names like cxsworx cx30, bodycombat and easy line. We are kidding each other about the training. I'm definitely not in the mood for pounding music and strange machines, I prefer "ohm shanti shanti". |
I love yoga! It's such a great stress reliever. :D
SvaraRaderaFina saker du köpt från Restyle, jag har köpt lite från dem tidigare, och deras T-shirts är också små i storlekarna tycker jag...
SvaraRaderaRoligt att du testat Yoga! Jag har en Yoga-bok, men har inte direkt använt den än...kör med min frigörande dans istället, men i Mars ska jag testa Yoga Soft, ska bli kul!
Jag har också testat yoga ur en bok men fick en helt annan upplevelse och förståelse för den när jag gick på gruppträningen.
RaderaÅh, jag har varit sugen på att köpa något från restyle länge också. :) De har så fina saker!
SvaraRaderaÄr det där Hosjö kyrka? :) Känner också igen den där byggnaden vid Faluån. Har gått förbi där många gånger. :)
Ja det är Hosjö kyrka. Jag bor i Hosjöholmen :)
Raderaaaaaaawww... this shirt is so gorgeous! it fits perfectly to your way of styling... curious to see it on you ;)
SvaraRaderaVerkligen snygg korsett, synd att skjortans storlek var så konstig :/
SvaraRaderaJag är lite avundsjuk på folk som klarar av yoga, jag kan inte koppla bort hjärnan tillräckligt.
Man behöver inte koppla bort hjärnan alls på yogan :)
RaderaSnygga saker du köpt!
SvaraRaderaGood luck with Yoga, I liked it but got frustrated because I'm unflexible... -.-
SvaraRaderaI love your restyle order, and you are not the only one who reports small sleeves. That's why I only order jewelry, bottoms and corsets there! Your corset looks nice, maybe you can one day present an outfit picture with it?
Oooh, I *love* the Punk Rave brand - I have a couple of skirts, and will definitely have to buy more! I will also have to order from Restyle - that corset is gorgeous!
SvaraRaderaGood thing there are no XL's left in the Punk Rave shirt ... now I'm not tempted to go look at the website! :o)
SvaraRaderaI'm thinking of sewing in an wedge in the arm pit of the shirt. It looks to good to be sold away :)
RaderaOh, I am sure you look great in the new corset. I want to buy one of their metal boned corsets, but I had no idea about their quality. Good to see they are ok :-)
SvaraRaderaVackra ting, speciellt blusen! Kanske kan du låna den till en vän tills du får plats i den? När jag vägde mer hatade jag att se de kläder jag inte kunde ha hänga och göra mig ledsen varje dag. Så jag packade ner dem och skrev "69 kg eller mindre" på påsen (och ställde den längst in i garderoben). 1 år senare hade jag en trevlig present att packa upp :) men det viktiga var att den inte stod och gjorde mig ledsen under tiden.
SvaraRaderaSå snygga kläder! Så irriterande att en viss del på ett plagg är otroligt stram/liten *suck*
SvaraRaderaJättefin kyrka, gillar verkligen att den är i trä :)
Hoppas yogan funkar bättre och bättre med tiden.. fast man vill ju att något ska gå perfekt redan från början givetvis! xP
I love yoga too! I do a little every morning to start the day. :)
SvaraRaderaI love the sunglasses. Perfect shape.
SvaraRaderaAnd like you, I find Ashtanga yoga to be very centering. That and walking is just about the only exercise I do.
Snygg skjorta, hoppas du får den att passa mha den där kil-ideén. Solglasögonen är också helt fantastiska, kanske jag borde beställa också...
SvaraRaderai love the green corset++++and i know about the size problem wth the blouses of punk rave...always very small :-(
SvaraRaderathanks a lot for your lovely comment on my blog iam very happy about it :-)