I guess you can imagine what a relife it is to be out on the internet again. It has'nt worked for almosts a month now. I wanted to make a post on Valentines day, wishing everybody a wonderful day but I couldn't. I send you a heart now instead. A heard drawn by my little boy Tuli. It's the little fellow in the corner.
I've been ill for almost a week now. I'm feeling dizzy and exhausted for anything I do. I don't know what it is. I'm sick of lazing around at home by now so I will go to work anyway tomorrow. The only thing I could do these days was to sit down and do something with small moves. Mending this necklace was the perfect job for that. It is an old necklace from the 50's or 60's bought on etsy. It was glued with a bad yellowish glue that made the "stones" fall of. So I solved the glue in warm water and glued every stone back to the necklace and earclips with two component loctite.
Well stones is not correct, plastic pieces. But it sure does look like something luxurios to me. I think it is the best quality you could get in plastic jewellery. Now I will get dressed for a cocktailparty this evening with media people. Maybe something interesting will come out of this.
Vilket vackert halsband!!!
SvaraRaderaKika in till mig på en tävling om rosiga ting!
Kram Maud
I hope you will feel better soon! That necklace looks wonderful, I really couldn't tell it was just plastic. Looks like precious stone.
SvaraRaderaHejsan på dej :-)
SvaraRaderaah, I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Today is the day I start feeling well from a cold. But mine was not so bad. I even cleaned my oven, not as wonderful as fixing your gorgeous necklace.
SvaraRaderaHoppas du kryar på dig snart! Läckert halsband =)
SvaraRaderaKramar och önskar dig en fin lördagskväll.
Att fixa till halsbandet under tiden som du kryar på dig är väl ingen dum idé, halsbandet är jättefint.
SvaraRaderaHoppas att mingelkvällen var bra och att du inte tog ut dig alldeles på jobbet om du inte mår riktigt bra ännu.
Så fint halsband. Kul att du kunde fixa det. Härligt att du har fått internet att funka igen. Skulle inte klara mig utan. Låter mysigt med mingelkväll.
SvaraRaderaHa en fortsatt bra helg!
Kram Ullis
Jag antar att du var på samma mingel som några andra Dalabloggare...får vi se mer av dig kanske;-)
SvaraRaderaHoppas att du har piggnat till så att du orkar lägga upp renoveringsstrategier i snövädret.
Plast och plast...du vet väl att det sitter i betraktarens öga vilka juveler man har...skratt...;-)
Kram Birgitta
Så tråkigt att du inte mår riktigt bra... Men det kanske blir bättre snart iaf...
SvaraRaderaVilet fint halsband! Och vilket pill med att göra iordning allt...