It is with a bit sad feelings, I'm leaving this year. It has been mostly good and maybe the best year in several years. I have to mention one sad thing. My father is in bad condition, but I leave this year with hope for a good progress.
Time is a good medicine, it gives you distance to some things and another perspective of them as well. I have come closer to my true self. Instead of insanity and self harming, because people around me makes me feel wrong in every aspect, I now know that I'm not an idiot, not mean or angry. I'm not the problem, it is other people who got problems and make me responsible for it.
All the black clothes weighed me down and didn't reflect my energy. I have so much energy, that I can bee too much of everything sometimes. Sometimes it makes me exhausted as well, LOL.
Please, don't mind my pressed lips. I HATE selfies.
I learned about Dressing Your thruth, through a Danish youtuber (who helps people to organise their life).
Dressing your truth was developed by Carol Tuttle in Utah. It is a combination of personality test, colour coded dressing, and wellness. Some elements are a bit too pseudo science for a person (scientist) like me but other elements are very helpful. The program really helped me to come to the conclusions above.
The absolute best thing that happened this year, was our vacation to Vesterålen and Lofoten in Norway. It was MAGICAL. I will carry this trip in my heart forever, I wan't to travel to places like this. I don't wan't busy towns and noises. I wan't to se the ocean, mountains, a never ending shoreline, and the sound of nothing but nature.
It was amazing to have my kids along . I have got the opportunity to have long conversations with my oldest and we have become more close to each other. No partner or spouse can compete the love you feel for you children.
At home we had several things happening, at last!!!!
We got a new heating system installed. We got a new bathroom renovated.
I started to build my chicken coop, this summer. It's not finished yet. I have isolated our garden shed and put in a window. And it got a new roof.
The upper window seal is still missing in this photo. The hole in the wall will become the little door for the chickens.
My plans for next year are following:
Assigning for new university classes in the autumn (another try)
Renovate Alfons room (my youngest), starting tomorrow
Finish my chicken coop
Maybe, do some renovating on the house as well
Saving money for more renovations.
Loose more weight. I lost 10 kg already but I have about 20 kg's left.
Be true to myself.
What plans do you have for next year?
Oh, and please don't call it resolutions. If you fail to keep them, well you fail. Plans is a better word, because plans can change, right?
Happy New Year <3 .="" p="">