I have been absent from here, I hope you can apologize me for that. Two weeks of my four week long vacation has passed. First week we worked hardly with painting the kitchen roof and laying a nice oak tile floor(well that was beloved ones hard work). Two days were spent looking for a proper sawing machine for the floor. This second week I fell into the vacation-coma. Im lost, tired and can't think properly. I spent four days in this mode. The fifth we took a trip to the cottage to take miss M back home. She had spent a few days with her grandmother there.
It is something with the forest. I breathe in energy and return as a fresh and calm person. Me and prince O took a walk up the hill to the spring of course bringing the camera. The picture above is a view of the barn surrounded by trees and the one below is a very slimy pink fungus I had to picture.
The reason we had to take miss M back home a bit earlier was her birthday party. I wanted to give her a party since she is a real socialize, often invited to others.
I baked a lot of real cute blueberry cupcakes
...Och dukade bordet fint med kaffeservis som jag serverade hallonsaft i. Runt servetterna fäste jag fjärilar som alla fick ta hem.
Laid the table with fine porcelain. Raspberry syrup was served from the coffee pot in coffee cups. Little daffodils wrapped round the napkins for a little give away.
Lite mer hembakt...
Other home made cookies....
Sist men inte minst hade käre sambon ordnat en skattjakt med en pratande docka. Det var tänkt att den skulle skrämmas lite men ungarna verkade bry sig mer om godiset. Det var bara en ensam joggande tjej som blev orolig när hon hörde det elaka skrattet. "Mohahahahaaa! Bra jobbat! Om ni vill ha godis hittar ni det häär!" Dockan var placerad i trädgårdsskjulet alldeles vid cykelbanan.
At last but not at least a treasure hunt with an animated doll made by beloved. The doll was supposed to be a bit scary but they didn't bother, only a single jogging girl passing by, hearing the evil laughter. "Mohahahaaaa! Good job! If you want some candy you can find it here"! The doll was hidden in the garden shed right by the walking path.
Laid the table with fine porcelain. Raspberry syrup was served from the coffee pot in coffee cups. Little daffodils wrapped round the napkins for a little give away.
Other home made cookies....
At last but not at least a treasure hunt with an animated doll made by beloved. The doll was supposed to be a bit scary but they didn't bother, only a single jogging girl passing by, hearing the evil laughter. "Mohahahaaaa! Good job! If you want some candy you can find it here"! The doll was hidden in the garden shed right by the walking path.
OJ så fint dukat & pyntat!!!
SvaraRadera: )
Själv hade jag blivit livrädd om jag plötsligt hört en talande docka i skogen...
KRAM & ha en fin ny vecka!!!
Nice to see you back here. Looks like you had a wonderful, tiring, productive and festive time. No wonder you need a vacation :-)
SvaraRaderaCongrats with little miss M
Hej kära du, välkommen tillbaka;)
SvaraRaderaShit va fint du gjorde på kalaset. Vill du ha hand om mitt ;) Rosa svampen var verkligen läskig, aldrig sett en sån.
SvaraRaderaÅh vilket underbart Kalas!!
SvaraRaderastackars den springande Tjejen.....hahahaha1
Ha det bra och JAG vill se bilder från köket......
Kram Anki
Ps semesterkoma låter friskt!!
Vilket underbart kalas! Jag kan se den stackars joggande tjejen *hahaha*
SvaraRaderaVilken kalasdukning, så fint du har gjort. Å vilka cup-cakes=)
Hoppas att du känner att energin kommer tillbaka nu när semestern börja närma sig sitt slut. Det är ju meningen att semestern ska vara en tid för återhämtning.
Ha så fint!
Skönt att bara få ta det lugnt också. Mysigt att vara i fäboden. Är ju ett sådant lugn i skogen. Så fint du har dukat till kalaset. Kul med dockan. Här hade vi en gran som skulle ner som maken gjort till en ful gubbe. Den tänds när man går förbi och där tänkte han också sätta i ljud men vågade inte för han var rädd att någon av de gamla tanterna i byn skulle få hjärtsnörp.
SvaraRaderaHa en bra helg!
Kram Ullis
Vilka underbara bilder!
SvaraRaderaDu verkar ha haft det bra!
Jag är ju så väldigt
SvaraRaderaglad för just DE dockorna!
: )
STOR kram från Jenny