My hero and I bought a new house , that is filled with joy, laughter and love.
torsdag 31 december 2009
Last day of the year!
My hero and I bought a new house , that is filled with joy, laughter and love.
söndag 27 december 2009
En stilla jul
Hi everyone. We had a very calm and quiet christmas with only the closests relatives gathered. On christmas eve we took a quick walk in the neigbourhood with our cameras to take pictures of the wonderful white world. This is the view from our garden.
Nereby there is a river with a waterfall (perhaps too close for the children). Isnt it beautiful when the snow covered trees are hanging over the water?
Det är som så att jag har en alldeles speciell relation till snö, relationen är så personlig att jag inte vill berätta historien/historierna här. Men för mig är den snötäckta naturen en verklig sagovärld.
Can't help it but I got a special relation to snow, well it's too personal to tell this tale to you all. But I can say that the snow covered nature is a fairytale world for me.
måndag 21 december 2009
En gåva till jul och ett fynd
A few days ago, I recieved such a nice gift in our "White gift" swap. A glass bowl. The shape is that you can use it to watever you like. I used the bowl to put the tree remaining flower of my amaryllis in.
But you could also use it as a candleholder...or maybe serve some candytreats in it.
tisdag 15 december 2009
Winter is here
I haven't got the time for writing as much as I would like to right now. Real life is my priority for the moment. Christmas is coming and many birthdays ahead. But I have taken the time to make a wreath for our front door. It's big, covering the upper half of the door.
I've promised to pick a winner of my comments every month and I'm decided to keep this. It's Stina who's the lucky winner for november. Congrats to a very wise and kind person. She will recieve something to decorate her christmas tree with.
måndag 7 december 2009
My garden
The dark time has arrived and it's so difficult to take good pictures. But I would like to show my christmas candles I've arrange and the flower Johans mother gave me the other day.
At last I can show you pictures of the garden again. This is a view of the garden on the back yard.
tisdag 1 december 2009
A new home
Hi everyone! I'm amazed! All four children are in their beds, and the clock haven't passed half past eight! And the best of it. I have a little time to write a post. We have lived in the house two and a half week now. The children work well together, enjoying their company, arguing a bit and playing a lot with each other. As you can see on the picture below the christmas has slowly moved in the house but a table cloth with flowers is left on the table.
When we first tried the dish stand it was to high. With two wise brains in the house we lowered it by sawing of the top of it and turn it up side down. Johan soldered the piece back in place and I fixed the threads.
torsdag 19 november 2009
A short info
No internet in my new home yet so Im will be very brief. We moved in the house last weekend and it is a great joy living with a big family again. It's not that big difference having four children instead of two. The pile of laundry is bigger though. I'll be back i a while. Hugs!
tisdag 10 november 2009
Snart är det jul
Every year I go to Rusta (a store) to look for christmas decorations. Nice prices and lot of decorations in glass. I doesn't matter if there is kittens or toddlers in the house, glassdecorations in the tree is a must. When I found these I got a big smile on my face. They are similar to old christmas glassbirds.
No christmastree is complete without some kitsch. These lovely items look like something Barbie would hang in her tree.
tisdag 3 november 2009
Oh, only one and a half week left. After that we will have the key in our hands. I haven't packed down a thing yet, but tomorrow I will get some boxes and in the next week I will begin. Well you have seen many things happen in a short time. 3 different homes in one year and a new family.
Jag har ju lovat en utlottning varje månad och detta är månadens pris. Jag använde en slumpgenerator och det blev Jema Rose som vann. Extra kul för hon har blivit en vän till mig trots att jag aldrig har träffat henne.
The picture above is a photo taken during our lunchwalks.
I promised a gift for one of my readers every month. By random I picked Jema Rose as a winner. That is nice because she has become a friend though I never met her.
söndag 25 oktober 2009
Lite presenter och pyssel
Hoppas att ni får en fin vecka. / Hope you'll have a nice week.
onsdag 14 oktober 2009
Happy happy Me!!!!

På baksidan av huset finns en påbyggnad så det är större än vad det ser ut. Bakom garaget finns det en trädgård med fruktträd och grönsaksland, det är ju perfekt för mig!!
On the backside there's an extension of the house and on the backyard there's a fruit and vegetable garden. Great for me isn't it?
Idag fick jag mitt "Vita gåvor" paket från Finland. Kiitos min hemliga vän. Det här passade oss väldigt bra särskilt den lilla skylten med huset :).
Today I received a package from Finland. It was from a secret friend in a swap I'm joining. Kiitos my secret friend. It suits us perfect doesn't it. Specially the little house sign. :)
onsdag 7 oktober 2009
Darkness, Fire and a Deep forest
First of all I will tell you who won in my monthly give away. I gave every comment a number and wrote everyone on a paper and picked one.... nr 46 that is Mamma Millan, congratulations. I will send her the bracelet as soon as I get her adress.
När livet är lite motigare än vanligt så behöver man återhämtning ännu mer. Sagt och gjort så packade vi våra väskor med varmare kläder och åkte till Johans stuga.
torsdag 1 oktober 2009
A little sign
Sorry for my delay of updates here, but I have too much going on right now. Well I told you in the last post what I'm doing so I don't have to repeat it.
Denna helg ska vi åka till Johans fäbod igen. Det kommer att vara snorkallt och väderleksrapporten har lovat snöblandat på söndagmorgon. Jag har packat ner allt i ylle och långkalsonger. Men det ska bli mysigt ändå. Vi ska sitta vid elden och grilla marshmallows och lyssna på brasknaster. Det här behöver vi grymt mycket kan jag bara säga.
This weekend we will go to Johans cottage again. It will be freezing cold and the weather report has promised some snow in the morning. I've packed my wool winterclothes. It will though be cosy, sitting by the fire and eat grilled marsmallows and listen to the snaping sound of burning wood. There is no electric installations, no watercloset, just primitive life with oil lamps and candles. We really need this, that's all I can say.
Nästa vecka hoppas jag att jag kan berätta något roligt för er, jag är så hoppfull. Men tills dess ha det underbart och sköt om er!
Next week we will be excited about something, secret this far. But I hope I'll have something fun to tell as soon as I know. Hugs and take care!
fredag 18 september 2009
All work and no play
Sad but true I'm an full time working woman and a half time student and upon that I'll try to be a caring mother. That's why I haven't been visible here lately. But I take a photo of things happening and a few days ago my mother gave me these books. The complete collection are twelve wonderful child books filled with rhymes and stories. I loved to read these as a child. My grandmother read these books for my father when he was a little boy. These are a real childhood treasure of mine. Now the turn has come to Tuli to hear those bedtime stories.
I visited one of the biggest fleamarket event's in this town for a few weeks ago. I was disappointed because I couldn't find that much bargains as I used to do earlier years, everything was expensive. I came home with an old suitcase, 3 old calendars (I will use them for some journal projects), an iron piece for a lamp and some technical magazines (yes I'm interested in technical history as well).
tisdag 8 september 2009
Picture of Pitchers
In my apartment, someone before me Painted the inside of the cupboard light green. I think its pretty. Maybe I will take down the doors to show whats inside. This is my collection of pitchers. I haven't really collected them they just happened to be more and more of them.
I just have to show you what my 9-year old son made for me. He was very eager to cook the dinner for me yesterday and to arrange the food on the plates as well. This is a tower of boiled (yes boiled *lol*) cucumber and carrots topped with macaronis , a sauce-something and a few meatballs. I admit, it was tasty. But the boy left his vegetables on the plate. I think he's very clever.
tisdag 1 september 2009
En ny tid, september
The air gets thin and easy to breath. Autumn is here. I comfort myself with busy work. At my job a new project, I've started university studies again, it's time to run i the forest with my children and I have at last the energy to start my monthly giveaways. That's great isn't it ? Just leave a comment any time during september and I will by random pick a winner at the end of the month.
This is how my giveaway looks this month. Its a bracelet or cuff, whatever. I made one for myself, one for my stepdaughter and one for you. This is the dashing couple I found at the thriftstore the last day. Arent they wonderful. This is what many tourist bought in the 70's for a keepsake at their sun trip to Spain. I bought it for a friend I wanted to cheer up a little.
Doesn't the skirts look like the petals of the pelargoniums. The white and red striped one is called Mallorca, suiting name. The pink one is Powder Puff and the Cerise is Stora Hyttnäs (a very local sort).
Ha en bra vecka! / Have a wonderful week!
torsdag 27 augusti 2009
The Hunter and Collector
Vilket lugnt slut på veckan. Jag är hemma med en febrig son och vi bara slappar, leker och har det bra. Hoppas ni får en fin helg också. Kramisar
The ending of the week went calm. Im at home recovering a son having fever. We can only relax, play little and have a rest. Hope your weekend will be relaxing as well. Hugs
söndag 23 augusti 2009
Drar åt skogen....
Here's a sneak peak from my bedroom again, but from an angle I haven't shown you before. Imagine the mix of different styles can become this nice. Look at the swirls on the crown of the bed and then on the curls of the head on the wall. A repeating pattern.
Oops she's a bit dusty.
Now the orientation sport season has started. It is very intensive but short. We had a marvellous day out in the forest today on our run. And this particular day we had the photografer with us. This picture tells a lot about me and Tuli in the forest. He runs a bit but sometimes he want to be carried.