All those tiny lines! It took me several ours, i believe. I will find a picture to mount it on and then I will add a poem as hard to write as this one was to paint.
But this one was fun. Didn't take time at all and I only used one colour. I will save this one for myself or to someone else...or something.
Vad mycket fest det blir. Ikväll ska vi på middag i grannbyn och imorgon ska jag på nyårsfest på "mossan" mitt gamla hem. Det ska bli så kul, bara en massa bohemer och artister och våra barn. Det är alltid så intressanta människor på de där kalasen. Gott nytt år kära vänner, det ska bli intressant vad som finns bakom kröken därborta, förmodligen sorger men också glädje.
So many parties these days. Tonight we will go to a dinner in the neighbourhood and tomorrow there will be a newyears party at the "moss" my old home. It will be so fun, only bohemians and artists and our children. It's always interesting people on these parties. Have a wonderful new year my dear friends. I'm curious of what's round the corner, propably many sorrows but lots of joy too.